They are going to take your guns.

They are going to take your guns.
My gun is safe, and has a stun setting.

I've been thinking about this issue a lot. Our dear leader is very interested in running the country like an authoritarian. This is very obvious in everything he has said and done. To believe anything else, is to be completely oblivious to the reality of things.

The Second Amendment is specifically designed to stop what is happening, and the founders were very clear that a threat to our way of life and a despotic government was meant to be reset, by whatever means. Russia doesn't have a Second Amendment because Putin is a coward and a dictator. He doesn't fear his people, as any good American leader should.

User Clip: Pam Bondi on Guns
Pam Bondi on Guns

They are going to have to take your guns. They are going to have to figure out if you are a progressive and a gun owner, a mechanism to be able to take away your guns, and this is it. "Mental Health" holds. They already call it Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS. They will make this a real thing, and will use it as an excuse to come into your house or your work, and put you somewhere for a long enough time to take away your firearms. This will be a breach of the Fourth Amendment and the Second Amendment.

We are living in lawless times. The law doesn't apply to people on one side of the isle. Make no mistake though, this isn't some kind of one sided thing. Farmers will lose their jobs, conservative cops and FBI people will be thrown out on the street. MAGA ex-marines will lose their healthcare and their psych meds to handle PTSD. This isn't a guess. This is the plan.

I don't have a gun. I have a child with depression and I don't like the idea of being able to kill someone at a distance. I'm not going to lose anything here. No one will take anything away from be except my liberty for speaking out. To put articles like this out there for the world to see. To know that this was all but inevitable and no one did anything about it until it was too late. These are the challenges of our times. This is not a conspiracy theory, that is a video of Pam Bondi talking about the tools they are going to use in Florida to be able to take someone's guns away without any kind of recourse in the moment. With a broken legal system to try and "get them back." What judge is going to give a "crazy" person back their guns?

There are only a couple months before all of this is locked in stone and will become almost impossible to change without a societal collapse and a hard reset on our political and governmental institutions.